
Book Our Shotlet Accommodation


Welcome to our exclusive collection of the best serviced apartments in Nigeria, we open doors to the finest apartment in the most desirable destinations and deliver one-of-a-kind service to guests, homeowners and travel partners within Nigeria and the world in general.  Serviced apartments providing short term lets are quickly becoming a refreshing alternative and the preferred choice of accommodation, offering more privacy and comfort in comparison to a cramped hotel room…



Book Our Concierge Services

A professional concierge helps you make a positive first impression that your visitors won’t forget and our concierges are game-changers. When visitors walk in with questions, they have the answer. When residents need immediate help in their apartment complex, these tenants have someone there with them every step of the way…

Book us to plan your A-list parties

Ranbrook hospitality is here to help you plan your next private and cocktail parties meticulously. Do you need to strengthen client relationships, integrate new members of staff, kick-start learning & development, engage in team-building or simply throw a memorable party, like birthdays, bachelorette and bachelors party, holiday party, family hangout etc.? we are here to handle it for you…

Book us to Get the Best Collection of Wine

We are a Nigerian based wine house. we are dedicated to fleshing out undiscovered and exceptional wines that demonstrate the highest quality available from all corners of the wine-making world. This stems from a passion for wine and we want to share it with others. Wine trades through numerous hands to be ultimately drunk and enjoyed with others in an environment that creates happiness and good memories…

Book Our Shotlet Accommodation

Welcome to our exclusive collection of the best serviced apartments in Nigeria, we open doors to the finest apartment in the most desirable destinations and deliver one-of-a-kind service to guests, homeowners and travel partners within Nigeria and the world in general.  Serviced apartments providing short term lets are quickly becoming a refreshing alternative and the preferred choice of accommodation, offering more privacy and comfort in comparison to a cramped hotel room…


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